Connection Church of San Luis Obispo, CA is a liberal, faith based Christian church specializing in ministries relating to college students. We are a descendant of New Life Center in Bakersfield and a Four Square affiliate. ( See the Links section. ) Of course, we not only welcome, but require people of all ages to provide a balanced sense of community. We're a small church with a big heart. Services are held during the school year at the Claiborne's—7:00 PM Sunday. ( See the Welcome and Map & Schedule pages for more information. ) We'd love to meet and worship with you.

Sunday, August 05, 2007 Triangle

Zadok BBQ - 080607 - Join us!

Hi all - In honor of Jenn's last night with us at our Zadok Young Adult Group before heading to College, her family is inviting us to have a BBQ at her house tomorrow nigth @ 6 p.m. Our Bible Study will begin @ 7 p.m. like normal. Dale will be wrapping up our study on Depression by giving us biblical examples of those who dealt with this as well as an opportunity for us to share how our week of gratitidue and positive thinking went. Hope you can make it!
PS: Click on the picture to make it bigger and print out.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8